Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Sid Abdellaoui

Sid Abdellaoui

  • Media Contact
  • SPN Mentor

My main interest is in the types of strategies displayed by individuals in situation of personal or collective threat. I am particularly interested in identity strategies, in risk behaviours and social and moral judgements. All of them are threat to identity, transgression, and conflict in organisations.

From the analysis of these strategies and adaptative behaviours, the whole issue of change and of how it is accompanied arises, and deserves a theorisation based on both the integration of key psychosocial concepts what has been written on the subject and what actually takes place in the field, with some of its logic still relatively unexplored.

I am currently committed to an international research funded by the Canadian department of health and involving four teams (Canada, france, South Africa and Côte d’Ivoire). The aim is to undertake a comparative study on risk behaviour as concerns infectious diseases blood-transmitted or through sex intercourse with a population of released prisoners.

I am also involved in European research to build a frame of references of skill and professional practices for educators in prisons in Rumania. This research is funded by the European Social Fund and involves five teams in Euope : France, Rumania, Hungary, Italy and Spain.

Finally, I am in charge of the scientific management of a contract funded by the French Ministry of Justice and the Mission for the Prevention and Fight against Suicide in Prisons. The aim is to evaluate the effects of the device of support by fellow inmates in four prisons on experimental pilot sites. From the recommendations that our team will put forward will depend a generalisation of this type of device.

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Ethics and Morality
  • Law and Public Policy
  • Research Methods, Assessment

Research Group or Laboratory:

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Journal Articles:

Other Publications:

Courses Taught:

  • Approche psychosociale de la transgression et des jugements sociomoraux
  • L'enquête psychosociale : Entretien et questionnaire
  • Les conduites de changements dans les milieux sociaux et professionnels
  • Les stratégies sociocognitives en situation de Menace
  • Méthodes de traitement qualitatif
  • Méthodologie de l'évaluation psychométrique
  • Pratique des groupes (communication et gestion des conflits)
  • Psychologie judiciaire

Sid Abdellaoui
IAE Nancy School of Management
University of Lorraine
90, avenue Sergent BLANDAN
54000 Nancy

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